650 Burnside Rd W, Victoria, BC V8Z 1M8

Victoria’s Best Caribbean Restaurant

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Our Menu

Call Us at 778.440.6755

All Day Menu


A roti is a West Indian/Caribbean flat bread served with your choice of curried chicken, shrimp, goat, vegetables, stewed pork, pulled pork, or fried fish. The roti can be described as the Caribbean comfort food. Prices do not include applicable taxes.

·        Roti with Curried Chicken –  $15.00

(Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Roti with Curried Shrimp  – $15.00

(Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Roti with Curried Vegetable  –  $13.00

(Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·       Roti with Pulled Pork  –  $15.00

(Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·       Roti with Roast Beef  –  $15.00

(Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Roti with Stewed Pork  –  $15.00

(Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Roti Shells (Dhal-puri)  –  $3.00

Roasted flat bread filled with split peas. (Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Goat/Buss-up-shut (Parata Roti)  –  $21.00

Available on Friday and Saturday (Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Buss-up-shut (Parata Roti)  –  $4.00

Plain roti no filling. (Large orders, 8 or more, please pre-order 24-48 hours.)

·        Extra Meat  –  $7.00


Two fried bread (bara) filled with curried chick peas and topped with different relishes (apple chutney, cilantro chutney and hot sauce (optional).

·        Doubles (Saturday only)  –  $4.00

(Quantities of 8 or more, please pre-order 24 hours)

Prices do not include applicable taxes.

Contact Us

PLEASE CALL US AT 778 440 6755 TO PLACE YOUR PICK-UP ORDER.  Do not use contact form to order.


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